Internationalization (I18n) | Final Report | GSoC'2021


This blog report summarizes the work, I executed during the 10 weeks of Google Summer of Code 2021. GSoC'2021 Coding Period was started on June 7, and officially ended on August 16.

My Project Details 📋

Internationalization mainly aims at creating I18n architecture for the CircuitVerse platforms to localize or translate them into multiple languages.

During GSoC, I aimed to create an I18n infrastructure such that CircuitVerse platforms can be internationalized into global languages. And the platforms can be emerged as the Global Platforms.

I also aimed to create an I18n architecture for 5 major technologies used on different CircuitVerse platforms. They are:-

  • Ruby on Rails (CircuitVerse Main Platform)
  • JavaScript (CircuitVerse Simulator)
  • Jekyll (CircuitVerse Interactive Book)
  • Flutter (CircuitVerse Mobile App)
  • DocsifyJs (CircuitVerse Docs)


Final Report

During the first five weeks of the GSoC coding period (Phase One), I did work in the major portions of the Rails codebase. Phase two was majorly dedicated to working on Simulator, Mobile App and DocsifyJS as well.

More Details about my work in Phase one can be found here: I18n Phase One Report


Phase Two :-



We cannot use Rails I18n in webpacker served JavaScript modules directly. A Wikipedia library banana-i18n is used to localize JavaScript-based product.

In order to localized Simulator I divided it into different sections ⬇️

  • Simulator Configuration Modules and features such as Verilog, CombinationalAnalysisalong, SubCircuits etc along with third-party npm packages.

  • Simulator Circuit Element Modules

    1. Circuit Element Modules
    2. Sequential Element and TestBench Modules
    3. Project Data, Hotkey Binders, themers etc


Week 6: Begin with Localizing Simulator Configuration Modules

In total, there were 36 configuration modules written in JavaScript, which I had to check and localize without breaking any code.

Following tasks were achieved during this week ⏬

  • I18n in Simulator controls interface in UX.js
  • I18n in Simulator Guide in tutorials.js
  • I18n in Simulator functionalities such as Verilog, SubCircuits, CombinationalAnalysis etc.
  • Completing I18n and testing in all the remaining 36 configuration Modules and functionalities.


Week 7: Localizing Simulator Circuit Element Modules

I started working with circuit element modules, hotkey binders, themers, testbench and sequential circuit element modules.

Following tasks were achieved during this week ⏬

  • I18n in 67 different JavaScript modules which belong to circuit elements, sequential circuit elements, testbench, mutable properties of circuit elements etc
  • I18n in Themers and Hotkey Binders, Project Data configurations etc
  • Documentation

I finished working on the Simulator which required 800+ lines of code changes. 🎉


Mobile App

Despite some of the benefits of Flutter, such as rapid Mobile-App development. Flutter was quite in discussion for its uneasiness for internationalization (I18n).

Previously provided configuration of I18n used a complex approach to feed translations in the app, and needs to be upgraded to a cleaner workflow.

The Mobile App interface in Flutter is made of several built-in widgets and custom widgets

  • Built-in widgets provided Flutter API for Rapid App Development.
  • Custom Widgets created by Developers for specific purposes.


Week 8: Upgrade I18n Workflow and Begin Working with Mobile App

Following tasks were achieved during this week ⏬

  • Upgrade I18n workflow with the more appropriate one.
  • Localization of built-in widgets using flutter_localizations package(package supports 80 different locales)
  • Localize Custom Widgets(UI of Flutter) using Intl package.


Week 9: Continue Localizing Custom Widgets

Following tasks were achieved during this week ⏬

  • Create a Language Switcher using the locale provider package.
  • Continue localization in Custom Widgets.
  • Localize interpolated strings using concept of companion messages.
  • Fix unit tests for all the Custom Widgets.
  • Documentation

I finished working on the Mobile App which required 2400+ lines of code changes. 🎉


Week 10: I18n Architecture in DocsifyJS and Final Enhancements

Following tasks were achieved during this week ⏬

  • I18n in DocsifyJS via a designing mechanism for loading sidebar, navbar, and markdown dynamically into the Page.

  • Language Switcher for DocsifyJS.

  • Fixes in Rspec tests and enhancing Language switcher for Rails and Simulator capable of handling scenarios such as -

    1. Language switching when the user is not logged in(session-based).
    2. Language switching when the user is logged in.
    3. Taking care that, Language switching through switcher and User Form does not conflict with each other.




Major MileStones Achieved

  • Complete Infrastructure for Internationalization of Rails Platform.
  • Complete Infrastructure for Internationalization of Simulator Platform.
  • Complete Infrastructure for Internationalization of Mobile-App.
  • Complete Infrastructure for Internationalization of CircuitVerse-Docs.

I felt amazing after completing my work on the different technologies and codebases during this journey! 🥳


Future Scope

I believe that I18n is not a time-bounded project and has a scope of continuous enhancements.

Some of the major enhancements which can be done are as follows -

  • Translation System for translation management. Example
  • Localization of CircuitVerse API to generate a localized JSON response
  • Localization of Model Data


Final Thoughts

Firstly, I would like to thank the CircuitVerse community for giving me this amazing opportunity.

Special thanks to Aboobacker MK, my mentor. I got opportunity to work under his guidance, during my initial contributions to the community and in GSoC'2021 as well.

I had a great enhancement in my coding skills from reviews I got from mentors and during GSoC'2021 journey. cheers! 🎉

Signing off


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